The Cosmic Fruit Story is About Finding Joy Through Hardship

Why does life contain so much suffering?

There is great purpose in our creation and we were meant to learn through the difficulties and stresses of life, to treasure one another above all else. We are the treasures of Heaven that God offers to his children if we will become one, as They are one. In this poem, I explore the idea of how Heavenly Parents can be gracious, compassionate beings while providing a life full of suffering and pain. Artistic expression provides a canvas on which I am able to explore the diversity of the eternities, and what life may be like for eternal spirits in a life before this one. The purpose of mortal life is considered, as well as the complexities of heavenly treasures compared to worldly ones. FRUIT is not meant to give answers as much as it is meant to ask questions and provoke thought. Please have patience as you consider the ideas and perspectives proposed in FRUIT, it may not be what you expected… and you may find yourself delighted by what it has to offer.

A Prayer To The Great Shepherds of Mankind

Beloved Parents, give us of Your fruits, we pray.

Give us sorrow that we might have compassion,

burden that we might have strength,

trial that we might grow,

loss that we might have gratitude,

life that we might gain experience,

and grant us one another, we pray

that we might share love everlasting.


About The Author

Hello, my name is James Arrington. I am a truth seeker who has devoted my life to following Jesus Christ. This is much easier said than done. It seems the older I get the less interested I am in the mechanics of religion and more interested in finding pure religion and communion with the Divine. I am a life-long member of the Church of Jesus Christ and have come to trust the Lord more and more over the years. I have been led to make some pretty crazy decisions in my life that have brought the greatest of blessings. I love and am loved by my dear wife and best friend Shelby, Six amazing humans that I call my children, incredible siblings and parents on both sides, and a community of friends and fellow believers who have given me a sense for what Heaven has to offer. I dedicate this work to my Heavenly Parents in my never ending search to understand them more perfectly.

Author's Note

Cosmos implies a view of the universe as an orderly, intentional system. Cosmic myths are creation stories, which convey how the world began and how people first came to inhabit it. FRUIT: A Cosmic Story contains a poetic and artistic exploration of the events that led up to the creation of the world, the great heavenly family, the purpose of creation, the fuel behind the war in heaven, the garden of Eden, and the beginning of the human experience in hopes of evoking curiosity on the subject.

This poem starts long before the framing of the world exploring the roles of figures like Heavenly Father and Mother (also called Heavenly Parents or Elohim, the plural of Eloha), Jehovah, Michael, Eve, and Lucifer and invites the reader to ask questions about eternal goods and bads, our spiritual identity, relationships, and purposes in eternity. As an artistic venture I have drawn upon and alluded to the scriptural record found in the Bible and restoration scripture, and have laced it with interesting easter eggs, having been given ample opportunity to make a myriad of assumptions where no detail has been given.

FRUIT is intended to be read slowly, or even performed as an oration with accompanying visuals. Hopefully, FRUIT will give you something important to chew on. I’d love to see how you imagine it all to have been.

I truly love this book, and it has strengthened my testimony

I hope you won’t mind if I take a moment to tell you how much I love your book, Fruit: A Cosmic Story. My dearest friend, gave me a copy of your book for Christmas, and I finally had a quiet evening to sit down and read it.

First of all, the illustrations are breathtaking. I love how you represented so many races together as brothers and sisters. This is how I view the world, and the drawings captured my attention right away. Next, the narrative/poetry filled me with the Spirit and opened my eyes more fully to parts of the temple endowment that have confused me in the past. Your book brought to me clarity and a deepened gratitude for the Plan of Happiness. I’m speaking from my heart as I express my gratitude to you for sharing your work and incredible talent with me. I truly love this book, and it has strengthened my testimony. Thank you!

Janet M

There is a treasure on every page.

This story was a delightful surprise. I have always hoped that friends I have made in Taiwan and other places in the world could see themselves as children of Heavenly Parents and as essential in God plan. This book captured that hope. I was impressed by the contrasts of dark and light, portrayal of pride and humility, and expressions of sorrow and joy. This book has given me a lot to think about. There is a treasure on every page.

Janet S.

It continues to inspire me…

I just wanted to let you know that I’ve read the poem on the back of your book countless times now. It continues to inspire me each time. I really like how it captures so much about life in such a short space.

I came home and started reading your book. I kept recalling your suggestion from the introduction to read it slowly. I made my way through about half of it, but I realized I was missing a lot by rushing. So, later, in a more relaxed state, I finished it. I loved it! I haven’t had the chance to read it a second time yet, but I definitely will. I also shared it with my wife, and she loved it as well.

Jim B

Excellent for those who have eyes to see…

I just finished reading your beautiful book tonight . What a warm pleasure it’s been to see the journey from pre-mortal and death as mortals on earth. Excellent for those who have eyes to see on life’s journey.

Gary S

You really have done such a great job with this.

This is a powerful story as old as time. Yet, with slow, careful pondering, we can see that it is the story of each one of us. I love how it highlights the internal struggles we each face as we struggle with morality, selfless love, and how to avoid the allure and deception of power and pleasure. Thank you for writing this thoughtful telling of the Creation and Redemption story.

Nathan S

There’s nothing like your book out there

I got the book…I read it again on the spot. I love it. It’s such a piece of you and the way that I know you. It shows your Vulnerability but also your confidence in testimony and faithfulness. It teaches on many levels and will appeal to many different people that same way. I enjoyed listening to you read it. I’m going to read it to my adult daughter today and tomorrow.
You have a gift of going to people where they are at. I think this book is that best part of you. It opens the individual mind, it makes us free to think creatively on our own. And almost celebrates that. You bring us in touch with our individual spiritual heritage and worth. And it’s so easy to go there. I can’t quit thinking of people I want to buy it for. There’s nothing like your book out there, maybe it will inspire others.
Your stories provide a calming narrative for relaxation and peace. I feel the spirit. No doubt Heavenly Father is happy with your work. I can see this being. Powerful missionary tool and I plan to use it often.
Debbie H


James I read “Fruit” cover to cover. I think I was figuring out your Easter eggs as you mentioned. The pictures were phenomenal and I genuinely enjoyed your perspective.

Mike G

The whole package is a precious gem

Thank you So much for the wonderful gift of your book Fruit: A Cosmic Story… The book and the poem are both beautiful. The art is remarkable. The content is wise and beautifully expressed. The information in the on-line commentary and on the cover (including on the flaps and the prayer on the back cover) is a personal gift to the reader from you, putting the work in perspective. The whole package is a precious gem.
There are so many passages that I especially like. Here is one: “Pain, loss, burden, opposition, adversity, and trial bring experience, growth, compassion and love. These…these are the fruits You offer.” (p. 110)
Sherry B

What a gift!

I’ve just read your book. I love it! Not only is it written beautifully, but the illustrations add to it perfectly. What a gift! We will cherish it forever.

Cat W

I love the illustrations

I am overwhelmed by the accuracy and attention to detail in each illustration. They are so complex and simple and complete. I can see the composition, the leading of the eye, the contrasting values. I absolutely believe that a few people only will understand the effort and time you have consecrated for this. I appreciate that the poetry provokes imagery and empathy.
Ben N

So much good stuff in here

I just finished reading FRUIT! What an ambitious project, and beautifully done! Thank you for sharing it with our family. I love how you portrayed the human family. I loved Adam and Eve’s ethnic diversity. Your approach to Lucifer and his followers and how that occurred was very interesting. I love the continuous visual and metaphor of the fruit, even in the premortal realm, the idea of being anointed with oil from the first tree, the lessons Adam and Eve learned from Abel, so much good stuff in here!

Sam R